Like how I'm such a good blogger?? yeah like two weeks later and I now just posting the ending to my week up north...
The last day we're pretty much all in love with each other (honestly it's like getting 20 hugs per hour everyone loves everyone else so much!) and we have a variety show during lunch and one final big activity left.
The variety show was amazing, I didn't know everyone had that much talent! Here is Joshua with Jon (not pictured) and he solved a rubix cube while Jon read Lady Gaga lyrics a la Christopher Walken style (only much, much funnier!! they were hilarious)

They're was a jam session thing too that was just amazing...

and during the week and the day before the last day I learned how to do The Jerk!!! It took me forever to do, I also fell down twice trying to get the skip-hop-backwards thing right but that's actually pretty good for me =) They did a full jerk dance lesson and we all got up and did the of my shinning moments!

There were tons more amazing/hilarious/crazy good acts during the skit but I couldn't find photos I really liked for 'em.
Before the variety show we had our last discussion groups and it's pretty usual that everyone is camera happy that last day of camp -so my delegates had a mini photoshoot...

and I love my delegates so they pretty much only had to me ask me once for them to get me to do this pose....

I must have been nuts...
Our final activity was a camp wide empowerment builder where we symbolically smashed our monsters or demons by smashing wooden boards!
Here I am holding Cera's board while she prepares to bust through it...

Like the safety goggles?
And here I am getting ready to plow through mine.

There are photos around of me actually breaking my board but I still haven't found them on facebook so when they surface I'll post them. I have done this activity before when I was about 15 and the first time I did it I broke the board with 1 try but this time it took me 3 tries to brake it and I think it has to do with all the struggles I've had to overcome this past year and how I really can't give up when shit gets hard. It was sort of embarrassing that it took me so long to brake through it but I know it meant more to me in the end, when I finally broke through it, because I had to struggle.
Here is all of us in the best group picture we could get...

That was one of the best week's I've ever had =) There was a birthday party/ mini reunion that happened last thursday night and If I can stay on my blogging roll I'll post about that soon.
In other news,
school is in full swing and I am doing really good with keeping up with reading for classes so far and even getting some of my personal reading in there too!!! Somehow I've been able to fit in work and some awesome social time too but how to fit a regular blogging schedule into that mix too, is still an anomaly for me...
I started the Jillian's 30 day shred and love it but I kinda, sorta want to die right now it hurts to move so bad. I was surprised at how good I was at doing the workout though and even got my butt out of bed this morning at 5am to fit in a session before school today. The only problem with doing that was that by the time I got to school my calves hurt so bad I was clenching my teeth with every step. Did I mention I park about 15 min walking from campus, and that my campus is a square mile with classes spread out all over the place??? yeah sucked! I do feel good though and have more energy and I'm feeling happy but just stuff hurts...
I have some interesting guy questions/situations and funny stories but I'm not sure if I can post on here. I don't know if the reach is wide enough that if I post something here the person/people I'm writing about might read it (obviously planning to use fake names but I'm positive even with that they could end up recognizing themselves) but I also think it would be just downright fun to read about how much of a spazz I am in the dating scene. It could be titled "The Dating Diary of a Love-Dumb Girl" or "Why do I Suck at Life?: The dating chronicles of a girl who will no matter what manage to f-up a good time" but I'm just wondering if people would find that interesting or if anyone has posted on that topic before in the present tense (like when you're actually out there dating and not in the past tense) Plus I could probably use ya'll advice...
I'm hoping everyone has a happy hump day! I'm spending mine making this and hopefully out there reading and commenting =)
OMG! YOU ARE A NUT! However, I love every second of it. XOXOXOOX
look at you miss mari looking all pinupgirl-eque with your legs posted on that beam thingy.
and what's this about breaking boards?! shoot! don't mess with mari!
Tooo funny, I love it!
yes we wanna hear your love stories.
and I totally love you and miss you and want to borrow you shreder dvd when your done!
sounds like you had a great time!
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